File a Title IX Report
How to File a Title IX Report
Choosing to report an incident of sexual misconduct is an important yet often difficult decision. Doing so ensures that the College can take appropriate responsive action and provide supports to the impacted persons. Making a report may assist with recovery, provide access to specialized supports and services, and help prevent further harm.
Reports of sexual harassment or discrimination can be made with the Title IX Coordinator, the Title IX Investigator Manager, Campus Police, or via the online report form. A report will include the name of the reporting party, name of the complainant and the name of the respondent, if known. Reports can be made in person, by email, by phone, by mail, or by using the online report form linked below.
Dr. Kari Bolen, Interim Title IX Coordinator
Institutional Equity, Diversity, and Justice
(626) 585-7375 |
Attn: Interim Title IX Coordinator, Pasadena City College, C-218
1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106
Pasadena City College encourages members of the community who have experienced, or who know of, gender-based harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct to promptly report the information to the Title IX coordinator. Anyone who believes there has been an act of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex against any person or group can file a report to the Title IX office.
Members of the PCC community may choose to file an anonymous report online, by leaving blank the name of the reporting party. Filing an anonymous report will ensure that information is recorded in the event the complainant would like to file a complaint at a later date, and also assists the college with capturing accurate statistics and information.
The Title IX Coordinator will receive the anonymous report and will determine any appropriate steps, including individual or community remedies as appropriate, and in consultation with the Director of Campus Safety, take steps necessary to comply with all Clery Act obligations.
Depending on the extent of information available about the incident or the individuals involved, however, the College’s ability to respond to an anonymous report may be limited. However, support resources remain available regardless.
It is never too late to report sexual misconduct. If the Respondent is no longer subject to Pasadena City College’s jurisdiction and/or significant time has passed however, the College’s ability to investigate, respond, and provide remedies may be more limited or impossible. Supportive measures may still be available to the impacted party.
PCC will keep private the identity of any individual who has made a report or complaint alleging Title IX Sexual Harassment or Discrimination, as well as the name of the complainant(s), respondent(s) or any witnesses of the alleged behavior, to the extent practicable. Whenever possible, requests for confidentiality will be respected. Because of the College’s responsibility to promote a safe learning and working environment, if a pattern of harassment or discrimination is evident, or if there is a risk of harm to anyone, PCC must respond appropriately to ensure the safety of the community.
A complaint with the Department of Education’s office of Civil Rights (OCR) must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended for good cause by the Enforcement Office Director.
Prior to filing a complaint with the OCR against an institution, a complainant may want to use PCC's institutional grievance process to have the complaint resolved (though a complainant is not required by law to use the institutional grievance procedure before filing a complaint with OCR). If a complainant uses an institutional grievance process, their Title IX complaint must be filed with OCR within 60 days after the last act of the institutional grievance process.
Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
California Office
Beale Street, Suite 7200
San Francisco, CA
Reporting to Law enforcement for inquiry and investigation can help stop the behavior, prevent its reoccurrence, address the behavior through administrative and/or criminal justice systems, and allows individuals to seek remedial action – separate from, or in addition to a Title IX report.
Individuals may choose to report the incident to a law enforcement agency. The criminal justice process is separate from, but may be pursued concurrently with, the college’s Title IX process. The Title IX Office and Campus Police can assist with initiating the criminal justice reporting process. Individuals can choose to report instances of sexual misconduct to the college, to law enforcement, to both, or to neither.
In the event of an emergency, Dial 911
Pasadena Police Department
207 Garfield Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101 | 626-744-4501